History of our parish

Bishop's message
Mar. Sebastian Adayanthrath
" Dear Rev. Fr. Roy and Parishioners
May peace be with everyone:
I am extremely delighted to know that St. Alphonsa Forane Church, Sultanpalya is going to launch a Website. On this occasion I wish to congratulate everyone who worked towards achieving this goal. May the ultimate objective of uniting all faithful and spreading the word of God be achieved through this Website.
Jesus is our true redeemer and only hope for transforming and enriching our lives and by practicing his teachings in our lives to set forth a good example for others. All the difficulties we faced in the past should be lessons for us to get closer to God our Heavenly Father. Therefore, let us be aware of his plans and look forward to opportunities for spreading the word of God
As we enter a new era with the launching of the Website, may this help everyone to keep abreast with the Parish's accompaniments, news and events. Let this also be a medium to spread peace, unity and brotherhood far and wide among other communities as well. Let us intercede through St, Alphonsa and worship ardently to Lord Jesus Christ.
. "

Vicar's message
Rev. Fr.Thomas Arimattom(Fr. Bijoy)
" Peace and Joy to everyone from the Alphonsian family. As St.Paul says, "...the Love of Christ impulse us" (2Corithians 5,14). The Lord in His Merciful love has showered countless blessings upon us over the past decades.He has anointed and sent committed and zealous missionaries to this vineyard to care of His people.The past seven years has been monumental for this 'Bharananganam of Bengaluru', thanks to the inexplicable efforts of Rev.Fr.Roy Vattakkunnel, the 'Faber Dei' (God's Architect).We bow our heads in gratitude to Almighy God for the 'great work', he has accomplished through His faithful ministers. We, the Alphonsians are committed to spread the 'Joy of the Gospel' through works of mercy. May the Lord of heaven and earth bless everyone through the mighty intercession of St.Alphonsa.."

Mentor's message
Rev. Fr. Roy Vattakunnel
" St. Alphonsa Forane church, Sultanpalya- known as “The Bharanganam of Bangalore”, is a place of prayer, worship, peace and serenity. People who visit this church obtain great spiritual blessings through the intercession of St. Alphonsa, the heavenly patroness of the parish. The parish community is a typical model of the Early Christian Community, where in all the believers were one in heart and mind.
All Parishioners joined hand in hand and gave their personal time and effort to build the church: from Children to the elderly, all joined with great dedication in the public work called “Pothuppani” to build the church. We saw the dream of Parishioners turning into reality when the Multipurpose Parish hall was completed in just over a year’s time and by God’s grace, the Monumental church construction was completed in another two years’ time as scheduled.
The voluntary generous contributions of the members and well wishers of the church helped us to complete the church construction well within the budget and without any kind of debts.
Special Thanks to Construction Core Committee Mr. Shajan. K. Joseph- Coordinator, Mr. Joslin Sabestian- Architect, Members- Mr. Alexander C.T, Mr. Abraham M.M, Mr. Antony M.P, Mr. Pradeep Joseph, Mr. Ouseph N.K, Mr. John V.P, Mr. Davis V.T, Mr. Tom Sabestian & Mr. Andrews C Devasia
The newly consecrated church stands as the symbol of God’s Grace as well as the hard work and the unity of members of the parish and all the well-wishers.
We thank God almighty for his immense grace and abundant mercy showered on us at the church construction period and now when we look at the graceful church it makes ourselves proud as it stands to emphasize the power of our unity in love.
- Sunday : Holy Mass at 7.00 AM, 10.00 AM and 5.00 PM.
- Monday – Thursday : 6.00 AM – Rosary; 6.30 AM – Holy Mass.
- Friday : 5.30 PM – Rosary; 6.00 PM-Holy Mass followed by Novena to St. Alphonsa & Eucharistic Adoration.
- Saturday : 6.00 AM – Rosary; 6.30 AM – Holy Mass followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 5.30 PM – Rosary; 6.00 PM – Holy Mass followed by Novena.
- Way of the Cross after the First Holy Mass every day during Lent Season.
- The service timing may change on solemnity or feast days which will be informed in advance.
Sunday Announcements
Ward Prayers
St. Chavara Ward-09/February(Sun) @ 07:00PM at the Residence of Shiju Sebastian
St. Claret Ward-15/February(Sat) @ 07:30PM at the Residence of Antony Jose
St. Sebastian Ward-11/February(Tue) @ 07:30PM at the Residence of Lazer James P J
Infant Jesus Ward-13/February(Thu) @ 07:00PM at the Residence of Manoj Jose

The Society of St. Vincent de-Paul (SSVP), an international Christian layman voluntary organization was formed on 23rd April 1833 in Paris by Blessed Frederic Ozanam and his friends to practice works of mercy.

The 'Pithruvedi' is an initiative of the Syro Malabar church in Bangalore at the diocesan level. Even before the constitution of the Mandya Diocese, the idea of 'Pithruvedi' was conceived by the Syro- Malabar Mission

Mathrujyothi was formed in Blessed Alphonsa Church, Sultanpalaya on 9th March 1999. For the purpose of uniformity in name, as time passed, it was renamed as Mathruvedi across the diocese.

Family Apostolate is a pious association which encourages and supports families to find their true Christian calling. Families are the building blocks of the society and it is expected of all Christian

Exemplary families are the torch bearers of the church tomorrow. Young Couples’ Apostolate (YCA) is one of the important commissions of the diocese of Mandya. Membership is awarded to sacramentally married

Youth is the period of life when one is filled with freshness, vigor, sport and energy. St. Alphonsa Forane Church is blessed to have an energetic group of youngsters to lead the youth association called Catholic Youth of St. Alphonsa Church (CYSAC).

Cherupushpa Mission League (CML) is a lay organization for those children who wish to undertake missionary work of Jesus Christ. This pious association was started as a mark for the prayerful memory of St. Theresa (The Little Flower)

Holy Childhood popularly known as Thirubala sakhyam in
Kerala is an association of children who are yet to receive
their First Holy Communion. All Catechism students from Nursery till grade 4th are a part of this Association.
Departed souls in 2019

Mrs. Thresiamma Jose
St. George Ward
Departed On: 04-12-2019

Mrs. Melrose Mary
St. Mother Teresa Ward
Departed On: 25-09-2019

Mr.George Joseph
St. Claret Ward
Departed On: 05-09-2019

Mrs. Achamma Poulose
St. Mother Teresa Ward
Departed On: 18-08-2019

Mrs. Sosamma Chacko
St. Mary’s Ward
Departed On: 11-07-2019

Mr. Alexander Selvan
St. Mother Teresa Ward
Departed On: 18-06-2019

Mr. John Bosco
St. Mother Teresa Ward
Departed On: 13-06-2019

Mr. John Thomas
St. Philomena’s Ward
Departed On: 23-02-2019

Mr. Thomas T N
St. George Ward
Departed On: 05-02-2019
Ottaplackal Family
Ottaplackal Family
Pazhayarambil Family
Kaliyaniyil Family