

Mothers occupy an important place in our Christian family. They are the beacon of hope, care, epitome of selflessness and gatekeepers of Christian life, constantly molding us to lead a life in prayer, humility and being selfless.

Jesus Christ accorded a special place for Mother Mary. We are all aware of ‘The Wedding at Canna’. Here, we should remember that it was Mother Mary who realized that it was time for Jesus to perform his first miracle. When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus *said to Him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus *said to her, “Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come.” His mother *said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2: 3-6)

Keeping in line with our core belief and values, it was apt to have an association for the ‘Mothers’ in our Parish. Thus, in 1999 Mathrujyothi was born. Eventually, in 2015 the Synod of Bishops rechristened Matrujyothi as Mathruvedi (a platform for Mothers) with the motto “Mother, the Protector of Life and the Light of Family”. The Patroness of Mathruvedi is our Holy Mother Mary.

Mission of SAFC Mathruvedi

To ensure families uphold and exhibit Christian way of life; giving importance to prayers, helping the needy, caring, empowering Mothers and actively contributing and participating in all activities of the Church.


Mathruvedi members have immensely contributed to all Church activities and programs. Whether it is organizing the feast of St. Alphonsa or the First Holy Communion of our children, we are at the forefront ensuring clockwork precision and coordinating all activities.

Members actively participate in Liturgical activities during the Holy Qurbana. Often, prior to the Qurbana, our Mathruvedi members recite the Holy Rosary to Mother Mary and organize Adoration on 3rd Friday of every month.

During the month of May, our members are in the forefront in organizing special prayers and Rosary to our Holy Mother Mary. In October, during the Holy Month for Rosary, they spearhead the participation in reciting Rosary and organize ward level adoration of Holy Rosary. The Mathruvedi formation day is celebrated every year on September 8 coinciding with the Nativity of Mother Mary.

We also organize workshops/seminars wherein topics relevant to parenting, work-life balance and empowering young mothers to rejoin the workforce are organized. Members offer their selfless support to other ministries such as Catechism, Nurses Ministry and various other pious organizations.

Annual picnic or pilgrimage is also organized to various religious sites such as Velankanni, Malayatoor and Bharananganam. Members also undertake various charitable activities and partner with charitable organizations to bring a smile on the face of our deprived brothers and sisters.

During every Holy Qurbana or on occasions such as Feasts, Festivals and other important days, spectacular floral arrangement on the Altar and surroundings of the Church has had a lasting impression in the mind of the faithful. This is made possible largely due to the sheer talent, creativity of Mathruvedi members and other Parishioners.

On important occasions, we treat Parishioners to extravagant culinary delicacies often triggering a deep sense of nostalgia of our homeland. All profits generated by our activities are solely utilized for various charitable activities, thus adhering to our mission of selflessness and caring for others.

Our church has such a wonderful and mesmerizing Altar and we are proud of the fact that Mathruvedi played a pivotal role by contributing INR 5,50,000 towards its development. This was achieved by the sale of food, other culinary items during Sundays and other festal days, organizing chits and sale of scrap materials.

Our fervent prayer to Mother Mary is “Be with us Mary along the way, guide every step we take, lead us to Jesus, your loving son, come with us Mary. come with us Mary. come with us Mary, come”. We would like to thank Rev. Fr. Vicar and all our Parishioners who have selflessly supported us in all our endeavors.


Ms.Rosily Thomas


Ms.Liji Benny

Vice president

Ms.Soly Mathew


Ms.Fancy Joseph

Joint Secretary

Ms.Mercy Thomas



06-Oct.2024 : Cancer Screening Camp organised by Mathruvedi
02-Oct.2024 : Mathruvedi (Mandya Diocese) Annual day
20-Jul.2024 (Annual Feast Day-2) : Mathruvedi Special Celebrations & Parish Day
08-Jun.2024 : Celebrating Health & Well-being with Mathruvedi!
07-Mar.2024 : Foundation day of Mathruvedi (Silver Jubilee Year)
14-Jan.2024 : Honouring Mathruvedi members who have written book of Isaiah by hand
09-Jan.2024 : Team Mathruvedi wins the First Prize in JOYEUX NOEL – Diocese level Carol Competition held on 18-Dec.2023
04-Nov.2023 : Blessed Motherhood – Seminar led by Sr.Leena Theresse
02-Oct.2023 : Mathruvedi Annual Meet at St.Thomas Church, Jalahalli
17-Sep.2023 : ‘Ammakaruthu 2023’ – Mathruvedi Exhibition, Mandya Diocese
09-Sep.2023 : Visit to Akashaparavakal
30-Jul.2023 : Mathruvedi Stall on Feast day
23-Jul.2023 : Inauguration of 25th Anniversary Celebration of Mathruvedi
04-Jun.2023 : World Environment Day at the Parish by Mathruvedi
28-Aug.2022 : Kesa Dhanam – Karunya Sparsham’ Hair donation program organised jointly by Mathruvedi & CYSAC
19-Dec.2021 : Wins the 1st Prize in Online Carol Competition – ‘Alabanza’ at Diocese level
2018 : Team and the activities


Church Services