Society of St. Vincent de-Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de-Paul (SSVP), an international Christian layman voluntary organization was formed on 23rd April 1833 in Paris by Blessed Frederic Ozanam and his friends to practice works of mercy. Society of St. Vincent de- Paul is defined as a network of friends who seek their personal holiness through service to those in need and defending social justice. SSVP is currently operational in 153 countries with more than 8 lakh active members and over one million auxiliary members.
St. Alphonsa Conference, Sultanpalya
The Society of Saint Vincent de-Paul consists of small teams of volunteers, known as Conferences, who work in their local area or their parish. St. Alphonsa Conference, the Conference at Sultanpalya, started in 2002.
Our Vision
Inspired by Christ’s message to love our neighbour as ourselves, our vision is to help individuals and families who are in need and to raise their hopes with a sense of dignity, stature, well-being and peace of mind.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to seek and find those in need, to help them in a spirit of justice and to tackle the causes of their poverty wherever and whenever we can.
• Every Sunday, the
Vincentian’s of St. Alphonsa
Conference assemble for
prayer and plan the activities and take appropriate decisions. We also take a secret collection to promote our charity work. On second Sundays after the holy mass donations are collected from the faithful for the works of mercy.
• We have adopted six families and we supply essential food items to these families every month. We visit these families, discuss their problems and try to help wherever possible.
• We visit the houses of sick people in our parish, console them and give financial aid in cases where there is an urgency .
• On special occasions of the church, we visit the houses of the sick and bedridden parishioners and share the joy of agape.
• During the Christmas season we donate “Christmas kits” containing food items to 15 poor families, who stay around the church. We also visit the houses of bedridden parishioners along with our Parish Priest, convey Christmas wishes and gift cakes.
• We provide educational help to the children who are in need.
A word of Gratitude
"We thank our parish priest for his support and guidance. We also convey our special thanks to all well-wishers for their help and co-operation to our charity works and hope to have their support and guidance in our future endeavours."

Mr.Sunil Syriac

Mr.Geogy Mathews
Vice president

Mr.Arun Francis

Mr.John P.O

Ms.Jessy Pinheiro
Female Reprensentative

Mr.Joel Jaimon
Youth Reprensenative