
Volleyball Team

Volleyball Team

Won the 3rd Prize in Fr.Mathew Thoyalil Memorial Inter Church Volleyball Tournament in Mandya Diocese organised by Pithruvedi Unit of St. Joseph’s Church Bahusahebpalya

Fr. Mathew Thoyalil Memorial Inter Church VolleyBall Tournament Mandya Diocese organized by Pithruvedi unit of St.Joseph Church Babusahibpalya was held on 1st December 2019.
More than 10 teams participated in this competition.
Our volleyball team won 3rd Prize in this competition.
The members of our team who won this prize are:-

  1. Shajan K Joseph
  2. Joemon Mathew
  3. Jomis Mathew
  4. Jinto Mathew
  5. Nikhil
  6. Shaju Sebastian
  7. Vibin
  8. Shalu
  9. Ajish Jose
  10. Sabu John
  11. Justin joy
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