About the patron
Saint Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany, is honoured for her confession of faith in the Lord, in which she beseeched him to restore life to her dead brother, Lazarus. Martha is the woman of faith, who said: "I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into the world" (John 11:27).
In Luke 10, Martha is introduced as the woman who “welcomed Jesus into her house. Martha prepared the meal while Mary sat listening to Jesus. When Martha complained that Jesus should tell Mary to help her, Jesus said that because Martha was worrying so much about the work, she did not have time to enjoy being with him and listening to his words.
The over anxiousness she displays in serving is put into the right context by Jesus who emphasizes the importance of contemplating Him before all things.
After Jesus’s death, Martha left Judea around AD 48, and went to Provence with her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus and evangelised the Provence area of southern France. Martha’s tomb is located in the crypt of the local Collegiate Church, Avignon.
Saint Martha is the patron saint of servants and cooks.
The feast day of Saint Martha is celebrated on July 29.
Oh Saint Martha, teach me to offer the simple gifts of kindness and hospitality to others as you did to Jesus and others. Let my hands be open to God's Word in my life. Bless and pray for all those who come to my door. Amen
JC Nagar, Benson Town
Ms.Francy Joy
Mr.James Jose
Mr.Sebi Pappachan